Welcome to your NEW Dashboard: Product Release March 2022

Welcome to your NEW Customer Dashboard

The purpose of the dashboard is to give the Customer the ability to have a streamlined experience after onboarding. Rather than focusing on analytics and deliverables, the new dashboard aids the customer in knowing next steps and other major key points as they go through their Blended Sense experience. 

Let’s look at each feature:


The tasks area prompts the Customer to take action on next steps needed to ultimately receive their ‘ready to post assets’. Some examples include: scheduling your Creative Vision Call, taking your Brand Profile Quiz, or checking out freshly delivered assets. 


A customer can see events that are scheduled in the events area. Some examples of this are when: a sweep is scheduled, a CV or ReUp call are scheduled with Calendly. 

Creative Team

The creative team is responsible for producing the assets the client receives. The client can see who their producer is and how to contact them, along with any other creative and editor that took part in their last sweep.


Confused about something? An easy to view FAQ’s section we update regularly, customers always have answers to common questions during different production phases. 


At the bottom of the Dashboard there are four links to Blended Sense resources: Technical Support, Videos & Tutorials, Resource Center, Feedback. 

Each resource allows Customers to explore or reach out to someone if needed. 


Google Translate

In a Customer's Account Settings, they can now choose from over 20+ languages to use in the application!

HQ Features: CP Training 

When training a new Content Producer, there is a setting an Administrator can turn on to turn a CP’s account into “training mode”. With training mode on a CP is not required to enter a Calendly link and cannot be matched to projects. 

Looking to get in touch with us? 

Say hello@blendedsense.com